Services on John (Page 4)

Services on John (Page 4)

Home Cookin’

Thanksgiving for many is one of the best holidays.  Just think about it, turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, etc.  It is so awesome!!!  Now when we look at our lives, events high and low always seem to be surrounded by food.  In this week’s sermon, we will look at how the idea of “food reflects a God’s grace.”

How Can I Hear God’s Voice?

In week one, we will ask the question:  How Can I Hear God’s Voice?  Have you heard people say that “God told me this” or “God say that”?  Have you ever wondered how they heard God or if they even heard God at all.  In this message we will look at how we can hear God’s voice.

Follow Me

Pastor Andy Stanley says: “Jesus didn’t give us a rule book. Instead, He said, “Follow Me.” That statement is so true and we believe it wholeheartedly, but how can we do that most faithfully? Join us this week at Rev. Conrad Cohen shares how we respond to Jesus’ call saying, “Follow Me.”

Radical Urgency

In week 4 of the Radical message series, we will look at some of the biggest challenges to commitment to radical urgency for the church, and how God calls us to kick it up a notch.

Be Real

In the series, Be Awkward, we will look at how we can become more confident in sharing our faith as we continue to Be Awkward.   In week 2 we will look at one of the biggest challenges to sharing our faith if we just learn to Be Real.

I Am the Vine

What is it about fruit?  Have you ever had fruit when it’s not ripe?  What about when it’s too ripe?  What about if it is just plain rotten?  I think we all agree, fruit is good when it’s just right.  How can we bear the fruit of the Spirit in our lives to be just right?  When we are connected to God through the Holy Spirit — the Vine.   On the last  week  of the series:  I Am Jesus, we will understand how important it is to remain in Jesus so we can bear fruit.

I AM the Light of the World

On the third week of the series: I Am Jesus, we will begin to understand Jesus as he says “I Am the the Light of the World.” In him we will learn how His love overcomes the dark areas of our life.

I AM the Good Shepherd

Who wants to be a shepherd? They hang out with sheep, smell like sheep and in many ways they lay down their entire lives for the sheep. So what does Jesus mean when he says, “I am the Good Shepherd”? On the second week of the series: I Am Jesus, we will begin to understand Jesus more about what Jesus it telling us when he says “I Am the Good Shepherd.”

I AM the Resurrection & the Life

On Easter Sunday, we kick off our new series:  I AM Jesus as we will discover Jesus — revealed in various areas in the Bible.   During the first week, we will begin to understand Jesus more when he says “I AM the Resurrection and the Life.”

Do You Want Better?

In this last week of the message series, Eyes Wide Shut, we will look at a Jesus’ meeting with a paralyzed man at a pool. Although through his statements and actions he seems to be tired of living this way, he seems to have a deeper issue. In the spirit of this story we will look at regardless of what happened in a person’s life that left them paralyzed and broken, Jesus asks one question: “Do You Want Better?” The answer seems easy but is it?

Is Seeing Believing

In week #1 of the message series, Eyes Wide Shut, we will look at a man who becomes a believer after Jesus heals his sick son. He believed because he saw and it changed his immediate life. The question for us is, “Can we move from “seeing is believing” because things got better to “trusting is believing” regardless of the outcome?” This week, Is Seeing Believing?

Believe What You Want

In week #4 we will look at the cultural belief that it does not matter what I believe as long as I am sincere. God says, “I Did Not Say That” when we look at Believe What You Want. This week we want to look at how what we believe is so important and we are going to consider Jesus — NOT the Christian religion, NOT church, but Jesus.