Single Sermon - 2023
You’ve Been Called
In this week’s message, You’ve Been Called, we are going to be embracing the concept of the word, “calling.” Calling is an important word that impacts us deeply at our core. We must be reminded that calling is more about “who” rather than “what.” To discover God’s calling on our lives, we must focus less on what we’re doing and more on what we’re becoming–fully devoted followers of Christ.
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve Family Service celebrating Jesus’s birth, filled with song, scripture, and a fun message for our children, ending with candle lighting and a surprise visitor.
You Are Invited
Today we will highlight three different feasts and the responses to them.
In this week’s message, we look at a topic that resonates with each & every one of us: Labels.
Watch Where You’re Sitting
God wants us to sit close to Him. He’s saved us seats & he’s waiting on us & we have to be careful we are not sitting in the wrong seat. So what are you waiting for?
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses
This week, our Guest Speaker, Laura Young, invites us to reflect on the excuses we make when God calls on us and how we can strengthen our faith and remember that He has called us for a reason.
Write Your Headline
Join us as we explore the transformative potential of changing our outlook on life as we uncover the keys to embracing positivity amidst adversity, by rewriting our headlines. Through faith, hope, and a shift in perception, we can find strength in the midst of chaos and sow seeds of positivity in a world desperately in need of it.
Pray, Wait And Pray – Haven Youth Service
This week, our amazing Haven Youth will help remind us that God is just, and He will answer our prayers in His perfect time, which may not always align with our timeline.
Good Friday – 2023
Our Good Friday service is a reflective service that commemorates the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. As Christians, we must remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us and reflect on its significance for our own lives, with the hope of his resurrection bringing renewed faith.
Haiti: Mountains and Valleys
Join this week as we share God’s hand in the beginning up until now and how Haiti faces some of the most difficult, tumultuous times, right now.
Do Not Forget
This week we take time out to Thank God for 15 years in Ministry and existence as Haven Community Church. God has done exceedingly more than we ever thought or asked.