Services by Pastor Jack Cohen

Services by Pastor Jack Cohen

Commercial Break

In this week’s message, “Commercial Break XXV,” we’ll take a look at five memorable commercials and see what powerful lessons we can learn from them. Just as these commercials have left an indelible mark on our society, Jesus’ parables have the power to transform our lives and draw us closer to God. So, let’s take a break and explore the divine wisdom hidden in these modern-day parables.  Are you ready for this spiritual commercial break?

At Once… Change

In Mark’s Gospel we see the disciples at once left their nets and followed Jesus and  accepted Jesus’ invitation to change without hesitation. In the same way, we must also let go of our worries, concerns, and previous failures to follow Jesus and be ready At Once….

Emptying Auld Lang Suitcases

This message series will help us recognize that much of the weight we carry comes from things God never intended for us to bear & His solution is simple: let go of the unnecessary baggage and start cleaning out this Christmas. By decluttering our we can begin to open up new space and make room for something new God has in store for us.

Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Family Service celebrating Jesus’s birth, filled with song, scripture, and a fun message for our children, ending with candle lighting and a surprise visitor.

Bossin’ Around The Christmas Tree

This message series will help us recognize that much of the weight we carry comes from things God never intended for us to bear & His solution is simple: let go of the unnecessary baggage and start cleaning out this Christmas. By decluttering our we can begin to open up new space and make room for something new God has in store for us.

All I Want For Christmas Is Your Two Front Teeth

This message series will help us recognize that much of the weight we carry comes from things God never intended for us to bear & His solution is simple: let go of the unnecessary baggage and start cleaning out this Christmas. By decluttering our we can begin to open up new space and make room for something new God has in store for us.

Deck The Hall With No Distractions

This message series will help us recognize that much of the weight we carry comes from things God never intended for us to bear & His solution is simple: let go of the unnecessary baggage and start cleaning out this Christmas. By decluttering our we can begin to open up new space and make room for something new God has in store for us.

Let It Go! Let It Go! Let It Go!

This message series will help us recognize that much of the weight we carry comes from things God never intended for us to bear & His solution is simple: let go of the unnecessary baggage and start cleaning out this Christmas. By decluttering our we can begin to open up new space and make room for something new God has in store for us.