Services by Rev Connie Cohen
Follow Me
Pastor Andy Stanley says: “Jesus didn’t give us a rule book. Instead, He said, “Follow Me.” That statement is so true and we believe it wholeheartedly, but how can we do that most faithfully? Join us this week at Rev. Conrad Cohen shares how we respond to Jesus’ call saying, “Follow Me.”
One Different Kind of Freedom
In week two of the series, That One Thing, we will use this Independence Weekend to look to Christ & see One Different Kind of Freedom for us.
Living in God’s Abundance
In week #5 of the message series, Eyes Wide Shut, we will look at a Jesus miraculous feeding of the multitudes. Although he amazingly fed all those people, they were all hungry and in need once again…so it had to lead to something else…something more abundant. What would it mean for you to truly live life regardless of circumstance or situation and to always be “fed & full” as this week we analyze a life of Living in God’s Abundance.