Services on 1 Kings
On Fire Against Burnout
Join us for this enlightening series that combines old wisdom with today’s challenges to show how faith, resilience, and divine connection can lead to Finding Peace of Mind.
I’ve Had Enough
In this series, Anxious About Nothing, we will explore several key elements by relying on & experiencing the peace of God in the midst of a time filled with anxiety.
Crisis Change
Year 2021! Whoop-de-doo! Let’s not just think about this year until 2022, let’s think about bigger. What about 5 years? What changes can you make now to become who you want to be in five years?
In this series we’ll look several of the “BIG DOGS” in the Bible, and how they lived in amazing ways, did incredible things for God.
God’s Whispers
In week #3, we will look at the “whys” and “hows” of how God speaks and even why He does not yell but whispers to us in special ways.
Running From ..
In this second week of Fear Itself, we will look at what is it that you are running from. Most often, it is the thing that is closest to you.
There’s More There
This week we want to look at the place you are, the place God calls you, and the place God has for you. Wherever you are, remember, there is more there then it seems.
So, in this fifth week of the Apps for Life series, we will go to “God’s App Store” and download the APP God has for depression.
In this series, Monster Faith, spend the next three weeks looking at “Monsters” of faith in mountain experiences. This week we will look at Elijah on Mount Carmel and his monster faith against King Ahab and the prophets of Baal.
Refreshed Kingdom
This week we will talk about being refreshed in the Kingdom (Kingdom of God). How can we survive “burn out” in God’s Kingdom?