Services on Exodus

Services on Exodus

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

This week, our Guest Speaker, Laura Young, invites us to reflect on the excuses we make when God calls on us and how we can strengthen our faith and remember that He has called us for a reason. 

Jehovah – Nissi

In our series, Hello, My Name is God, we are going to take 5 weeks looking at just a few of the names of God, in order to know Him as He truly is through knowing His names.


In our series, Hello, My Name is God, we are going to take 5 weeks looking at just a few of the names of God, in order to know Him as He truly is through knowing His names.


In our series, Hello, My Name is God, we are going to take 5 weeks looking at just a few of the names of God, in order to know Him as He truly is through knowing His names.

Wonder-ful Bread

  In the message series, Living on the Prayer, we will journey through the Lord’s Prayer along with church-wide small groups (the Prayer Course) we will learn to grow and deepen in our prayer lives.

The Forgiveness of Sins

In the message series, Creed: Knowing Fully What We Believe In, over the next 10 weeks, we will talking about each line of the ancient creed of faith, the Apostles’ Creed.


In this series we’ll look several of the “BIG DOGS” in the Bible, and how they lived in amazing ways, did incredible things for God. What if, in our life’s race, we could do on lap around the track with one of these BIG DOGS of faith and what would they say to us that could keep us going.

Let’s Feast

The table is not just a place to eat but rather a place where discipleship and growth can take place. Around the table, we find a place for more than food. We can discover discipleship, relationship, outreach, healthy lives, remembrance, place to be thankful – so important and now more than ever we need to be committed to it.

Burning Encounters

In week #2 of the series, we will take a look at Moses and his burning bush close encounter as we look at this even we will look at what obstacles we need to overcome in order to truly have a “close encounter” with the living God.

Close Wrasslin’

Scripture(s): Exodus 33:11 (NIV) 2 Corinthians 3:16-18 (MSG) In this new series we were playing look at God, not from a far off Lord in the sky but close up real close up.  Honestly, that what we learn. God desires for us to encounter Him closely ourselves not in some connection through others.  Get ready for some Close Encounters of the best kind.
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