Scripture(s):John 11:1-4; 20-25; Matthew 28:5-6
If I were to ask you the question, “Who are you?” There would be a variety of answers depending on what the situations and surroundings are. What about the bigger question, “Who is Jesus?” To the woman caught in adultery, he was a second chance. To the woman at the well he was the answer to her thirst. To the leper, he was the healer. To the dead man, he was life. Who is Jesus to me?
On Easter Sunday, we kick off our new series: I AM Jesus as we will discover Jesus — revealed in various areas in the Bible. During the first week, we will begin to understand Jesus more when he says “I AM the Resurrection and the Life.”
Audio is from our 8:30 AM service. If want to hear the 10:15 AM Service Click Here