Services on Ephesians

Services on Ephesians

You’ve Been Called

In this week’s message, You’ve Been Called, we are going to be embracing the concept of the word, “calling.” Calling is an important word that impacts us deeply at our core. We must be reminded that calling is more about “who” rather than “what.” To discover God’s calling on our lives, we must focus less on what we’re doing and more on what we’re becoming–fully devoted followers of Christ.

The Real Battle

This 5-week series covers a variety of those very topics from our last questionnaire and other main topics that you and others wanted to hear most. So, we took five of the top topics you wanted to know about and put them in this 5-week series called, “You Really Wanted to Know.” Don’t miss out or you will still be wondering.

I Doubt Me

We will examine the reasons why we doubt, and learn how to approach our doubts with grace and understanding all while exploring ways to move forward in faith, even when we still have questions, using our doubts as a catalyst for a deeper relationship with God.

Mercy, Mercy, Mercy

In this series we will look at one of His most famous teachings in all of history and Jesus’ longest recorded sermon:  the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount.  Over the next several week we will focus on the Beatitudes talk about what it’s like to live “Right-side Up in an Upside Down World.”

Tempted to Battle

  In the message series, Living on the Prayer, we will journey through the Lord’s Prayer along with church-wide small groups (the Prayer Course) we will learn to grow and deepen in our prayer lives.

The Gospel and Mental Health

Over the next 7 weeks, these heart-felt messages will enable us to break the silence, reduce the stigma, and remind people that it is not a sin to be sick, and the church to become a place of refuge and hope for all those in pain:  physical, emotional and mental.

The Teacher

During this series we will be discussing sever labels/attribute of God who became man and Savior—Jesus Christ—as we ask, Who Is Jesus?

Livin the Dream

What do we do when our dreams begin to die? How do we miss out on God’s multiplication? This week we will look at how to bring our dream focus together with God as we look at Livin’ the Dream.

Fill ‘r Up

In this last week of the series, we will look at the three Biblical baptisms culminating with what it means to be “filled with” the Holy Spirit. Join us for the message, Fill ‘r Up.

My Last Prayer

Scripture: Ephesians 1:16-19a In this 1-week standalone sermon, Pastor Jack looks at if he had one last prayer for those listening, what would it be. If you want to know his desire for every person and the if there was one last thing to say to you this is what it would be.

One For All

In week three of the series, One For All,  we look at what the Apostle Paul states as he focusses on the “oneness” of God & how he sent Jesus to save everyone.
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