SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 29:18 (MSG); Ephesians 1:17-18 (NIV)
The times we make choices in life can and will cause effects that surge to areas much further than you can ever see. If you have ever planted a seed and watered it, added fertilizer it, it can grow beyond your wildest dreams producing incredible results. When you Dream BIG and add them to the work God is doing, God will take what you add and can multiply it into something that far exceeds your dreams.
In this series we will look at how God thinks differently than we do, and that His ways are higher than ours. When generously take what we have our time,energy, money, or talents, God can cause them to affect more people, make our dreams into a realty that is greater than we could ever imagine. What do we do when our dreams begin to die? How do we miss out on God’s multiplication?
This week we will look at how to bring our dream focus together with God as we look at Livin’ the Dream.