Scripture(s): Revelation 3:15-20 (NIV)
We say we believe in God. We say have a “personal relationship” with Jesus Christ. According to recent studies, in 2014, 70.6% of Americans claim to be Christian; yet, as you look around, many wonder where is our impact as active Christians. When we look in the mirror and take a good look in the word we need to ask the question, “Do we live our lives as if God is in the room, or do we assume He’s not paying attention? We call ourselves Christians; yet, are we really who we say we are?
In week three of this series, we will look at how so many people believe in God, but do not want to “go overboard with it”. Following Christ fully may cause others to call us the “wacky Bible thumper,” or the “crazy church lady.” We believe in God yet we have this kind of Sunday I am a Christian rest of the week you don’t have clue what I am attitude. In some sense we are “lukewarm”. Come this week and get to as we learn how to move away from being the UNChristian by dealing with the areas, I Believe, But Let’s Not Get Crazy.