the UNChristian
I Believe, But I Don’t Fully Trust Him
In week four of this series, we will look at how so many people believe in God, and we say we trust Him; however, when it comes down to it, there are many times our actions display just the opposite. Sometimes the most difficult thing we can do it “Let Go & Let God” for in this we have to be willing and able to trust that God is greater than our own abilities. We believe in God yet struggle with trusting Him fully. Come this week and get to as we learn how to move away from being the UNChristian by dealing with the areas, I Believe, But I Don’t Fully Trust Him.
I Believe, But Let’s Not Get Crazy
In week three of this series, we will look at how so many people believe in God, but do not want to “go overboard with it”. Following Christ fully may cause others to call us the “wacky Bible thumper,” or the “crazy church lady.” We believe in God yet we have this kind of Sunday I am a Christian rest of the week you don’t have clue what I am attitude. In some sense we are “lukewarm”. Come this week and get to as we learn how to move away from being the UNChristian by dealing with the areas, I Believe, But Let’s Not Get Crazy.
I Believe, But I Don’t Revere Him
In week two of this series, we will look at how so many people believe in God, but do not have reverence or “holy fear” for Him. Come this week and get to as we move away from being the UNChristian by delving into the statement, I Believe, But I Don’t Revere Him.
I Believe, But I Don’t Know Him
In this first week of this series, we will look at how so many people believe in God, but really do not know Him. Come this week and get to reintroduced or introduced to God as we move away from being the UNChristian by delving into the statement, I Believe, But I Don’t Know Him.