SCRIPTURE: Colossians 4:5-6
Why does the church exist? Is it to gather together for fellowship? To be encouraged and strengthened? To feed the poor and hungry? All those are yes, yet we often lose sight of what Jesus originally called us to do. What is that? Jesus wants us to Get Fishin’! When Jesus first called a few disciples to follow Him told them that he would make them, “fishers of men.” God desires to use us to reach others people for Him. In the next several weeks we will look at the Whats, Whys and Hows of fishing for people at Jesus tells us to Get Fishin’.
When we are “fishing’” there is a consistent concept that constantly needs to be embraced throughout scripture. Many of us believe we have to have all the Bible on rolodex in our minds. Often it is not about the knowing but being wise in all situations. Join us this second week as we look at being Fish Wise.