Services from 2016 (Page 4)

Services from 2016 (Page 4)

2016 National Day of Prayer

Haven Community Church joins the National Day of Prayer Services across the country in 2016. Its an opportunity for you to hear and pray for the needs of government, education, police, fire/EMS, and other community services.

Break Me

If you are ready to see a spark in your life this three-week series, Praycarious, teaches us to pray prayers that do just that.  In the second week we will praycariously pray a very painful prayer that no one likes but when we make it through, we are stronger than ever as we pray:  “God, Break Me.”

Search Me

If you are ready to see a spark in your life this three-week series, Praycarious, teaches us to pray prayers that do just that. In the first week we will praycariously pray, “God, Search Me.”

I Am the Vine

What is it about fruit?  Have you ever had fruit when it’s not ripe?  What about when it’s too ripe?  What about if it is just plain rotten?  I think we all agree, fruit is good when it’s just right.  How can we bear the fruit of the Spirit in our lives to be just right?  When we are connected to God through the Holy Spirit — the Vine.   On the last  week  of the series:  I Am Jesus, we will understand how important it is to remain in Jesus so we can bear fruit.

I AM the Light of the World

On the third week of the series: I Am Jesus, we will begin to understand Jesus as he says “I Am the the Light of the World.” In him we will learn how His love overcomes the dark areas of our life.

I AM the Good Shepherd

Who wants to be a shepherd? They hang out with sheep, smell like sheep and in many ways they lay down their entire lives for the sheep. So what does Jesus mean when he says, “I am the Good Shepherd”? On the second week of the series: I Am Jesus, we will begin to understand Jesus more about what Jesus it telling us when he says “I Am the Good Shepherd.”

I AM the Resurrection & the Life

On Easter Sunday, we kick off our new series:  I AM Jesus as we will discover Jesus — revealed in various areas in the Bible.   During the first week, we will begin to understand Jesus more when he says “I AM the Resurrection and the Life.”

Living Without Regret

Sometimes it seems as though life is like having a piece to a puzzle but can’t find the rest of the puzzle or ending up where it does not fit and we try to force it to work, living lives with so much frustration, guilty and regret. Jesus promised us so much more that all that. In this last week of the series, we will look at how we can end up Living Without Regret.

Leave Boldly

Although we are not Jesus, we’re talking about leaving boldly because God has placed within everyone of our hearts a deep desire to live a life that will outlast us by doing something with our one and only life that will be here after we’re gone. This week in OMTL series, the message will focus us on our fourth principle as we learn to Leave Boldly with a great legacy.

Learn Humbly

There is no way you can live the one month to live lifestyle without God’s power. How do you tap into the power? It’s the moments I learn humbly that God fills me with His power. This week in OMTL series, the message will focus us on our third principle as we Learn Humbly.

Love Completely

No one truly wants to leave this earth with unfinished business.  Why wait until we are facing death, when we want to leave our loved ones having experienced the summit of our relationships as the result of our courage to love.  This week in OMTL series, the message will focus us on our second principle as we learn to Love Completely.