Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 27)

Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 27)

Fish Wise

When we are “fishing’” there is a consistent concept that constantly needs to be embraced throughout scripture.  Many of us believe we have to have all the Bible on rolodex in our minds.  Often it is not about the knowing but being wise in all situations.  Join us this second week as we look at being Fish Wise.

Follow & Fish

When Jesus first called a few disciples to follow Him told them that he would make them, “fishers of men.”  God desires to use us to reach others people for Him.  In the next several weeks we will look at the  Whats, Whys and Hows of fishing for people at Jesus tells us to Get Fishin’.

America, Then, Now and….

It’s that time of the year when we are getting ready to celebrate the birthday of our country, the 4th of July. We live in a fantastic country that has afforded us so many freedoms that many in the world could only dream about. Yet, even with those freedoms we also live in a time of great conflict, upheaval and division. With all this, we may wonder where are we headed and as Christians, what is the role of a church that needs to be salt and light in this world and country. Join us this week as in the message, America, Then, Now and…, we will look at just those things.

Summer In-joyment

We’ve been through celebrations of New Year, Easter, graduations, maybe even birthdays, and here we are at Summertime. In this message, we want to look at how God wants us to enjoy life; yet, you may have found yourself in a season of anything but that. So we want look at how we can all restore the joy of the Lord into our lives in the message, Summer In-joyment.

Aren’t Many Fathers?

We live in a time where Satan desires to harm the father relationship that God made to help us grow.  Many who walk around have wounds based off of broken father or father figure relationships.  This week join us for Aren’t Many Fathers as we seek to find God’s method for restoring us.

Fill ‘r Up

In this last week of the series, we will look at the three Biblical baptisms culminating with what it means to be “filled with” the Holy Spirit. Join us for the message, Fill ‘r Up.

So Gifted

In week #2 we will look at the words Charisma and Charismatic.  So many have missed the point of that word by what we have been taught and displayed when really it’s only about receiving and being open to gifts that God has for you.  Join us for the message, So Gifted.


Join us in this 3-week series:  The 3rd Person, as we get reintroduced to the Holy Spirit of God.  In week #1 we will look at the history, the meaning and the term Pentecost.  Join us for the message, 50.

Breath of Heaven

Join us for the message this week, Breath of Heaven as we connect with the “breath of God” and unpack the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit.

Love is in the Air

SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 38:18-19 In life, we often find ourself living in survival mode, and life just becomes stagnant and lifeless. All of tend to have a longing for something more. A longing to experience a breath of fresh air and when it happens it has the power to change everything.  Worship.  We throw the term around so much, it is a noun and a verb but more importantly, it is God’s love language.  Join us in this forth week of the series, Fresh Air, as we…