SCRIPTURE: Acts 1:5-8; 19:1-2
In life, we often find ourself living in survival mode, and life just becomes stagnant and lifeless. All of tend to have a longing for something more. A longing to experience a breath of fresh air and when it happens it has the power to change everything. Nowadays it seems like there’s this connection in us that we believe that we show strength when we try to do everything on our own. WE were not made to be that type of loner.
In this final week of the Fresh Air series, and as we look back at the number of things that we shared how we can get out of the doldrums in our spiritual walk, this week we look at the source of that fresh air: The Holy Spirit. This Pentecost Sunday is the recognition of when the Holy Spirit filled the upper room where the early followers of Jesus were and changed them and the world forever. Whether known as the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost or something else, the Spirit of God is one of the most misunderstood and controversial topics in all of Christianity. Join us for the message this week, Breath of Heaven as we connect with the “breath of God” and unpack the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit.