Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 29)

Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 29)

Ghost of Christmas Tags

In this last week of The Ghosts of Christmas Past series, we hope for joy and peace yet so often  life doesn’t always allow for that. Memories, our own anxieties and fears get blown up all the more at this time of year. Names attributed to us, words that cut deep and actions leave us broken and lost in our own selves.  The good news is it does not have to be that way!  Join us this week as we look at the tags assigned to us in Ghosts of Christmas Tags.

Ghost of Christmas Shame

In week #2, we recognize that for some, the holidays bring memories of joy and excitement. However, many others are brutally reminded of the mistakes they have made and cannot begin to get over it. Through Christ we need to learn that The Ghost of Christmas Shame does not have to stick around in our present and future. So how do we get rid of this one?  Connect with us this week!

Ghost of Christmas Wronged

In our new series, Ghosts of Christmas Past, we will boldly look to God to heal us from the “ghosts of Christmas past” so we can embrace the joy we have in Jesus.

Who Does This & Now What?

As we wrap up this Crazy Love series, we will ask the question, “Who really lives like this is it even possible?” After a brief look at that, we will truly embrace the topic what does all this mean for me as a follower of Christ and what do I do with what I’ve learned so that God can receive my Crazy Love.

You Are My Obsession

Have you ever been obsessed with anything? I mean really to the point when you think of nothing else. I could be food, sports, job, a person, etc. What about God? Have you been obsessed with God? An obsessed Christian is an someone who reflects the love of Christ in everything he or she does and is totally surrendered to God. This week in our Crazy Love message series we will look at some of the characteristics of someone who is totally surrendered to God as we analyze our lives saying to God, “You’re My Obsession” and realizing what that means if we really live it out.

Let Me Count the Ways

Who do you love?  I mean who is it or what is it that you love more than anything in the universe?  What is it you desire more than anything?  Do you chase after that person or thing you love?  What about with God?  Do you pursue Him?  Chase Him down? or do you just tolerate Him?  This week we will take time to look at our love for Jesus and as we stop we say to God, “Let Me Count the Ways.”

The Gospel According to Lukewarm

This week, we will look at how sometimes in the blessed lives that we live, we tend to lose sight of God.  Furthermore, our faith in Christ becomes just another component of daily living.  In the book of Revelation, we see how the Lord speaks to and warns the Church at Laodicea how their complacency is interfering with their true call to love and serve God.  Join us as this week we look at the qualities of a complacent Christian in the message, “The Gospel According to Lukewarm.”

This is Crazy Love

This week, we will look at how crazy loving God can be when we look at His crazy love for us.  Honestly, do we love this God who is everything or do we just love everything He gives you?  Because God’s crazy, relentless, all-powerful love for us is so amazing that God sent his only Son into the world so that we might live and that should lead us to respond by loving God with all our hearts, soul, mind and strength and loving the people around us. Join us this week when we discuss, “This is Crazy Love.”

Stop Praying

In week one of the series, we ask the question, “Who is God?” In other words, what do you expect to see and say to God the first time you see Him? What about now when you are pray? What image of God do you have? This week we will look at these and other questions and also the true nature of God in the message, “Stop Praying.”

When You’re in Love…It’s Crazy

As we journey through this series, I hope that you are challenged in the core areas of our faith as we delve deeper into what it means to be a follower of Jesus who is “crazy in love” with God and may it resonate with you, forever.  This week we kick off our introduction to the series with the message, “When You’re in Love…It’s Crazy”

My Last Prayer

Scripture: Ephesians 1:16-19a In this 1-week standalone sermon, Pastor Jack looks at if he had one last prayer for those listening, what would it be. If you want to know his desire for every person and the if there was one last thing to say to you this is what it would be.

Mountains to Ministry

Scripture: Matthew 10:40-42; 1 Corinthians 2:9 (NIV) This week the mission team to Haiti will share what God did with the mountains we and the people of Haiti faced on the Mission Trip, what God is done since and what God is calling us to do in the future with the people of Gressier, Haiti.