I Have No Clue
En Garde
In part six of our series I Have No Clue, Pastor Jack explains how to keep our strong when our situations and lives are attacking us as we go En Garde against these challenges with the Spirit of God.
Moving 18″
Join us this week before Valentine’s Day where we see the “Heart tests” we need to pass in order to get Moving 18” in this week of the sermon series, I Have No Clue.
Super Bold Scars
Where is God in all of this? In week four of the I Have No Clue series, we will look at how through suffering and scars, God uses it all to show His glory while molding and strengthening us in through our scars.
Jesus Take the Wheel
In the third week of the I Have No Clue sermon series, Pastor Jack will share how in the greatest storms of life the Lord brings His purpose for your life.
Holy Life, Holey Like
So many of us do not even have a clue what a holy life means, consists of, or even is. This week 2 Timothy 1:9 will be unpacked more than you could ever imagine.
Can I Trust God
Can I trust God in all times and situations with an unshakable faith? Have NO clue? Come find out.