Services on John (Page 3)

Services on John (Page 3)

Holding On To It

We’ve heard some great things about God’s Word.  How can we hold on to it and hold on to Him by doing so?  That’s what we talk about this last week of the series.

Built ON IT

That the Bible itself was written by believers, inspired and God-breathed through the Holy Spirit. If we believe that, why don’t we embrace The Written Word all the more. In this series we will stir up a desire for God’s Word to bring life changing power to your life.

Let’s Feast

The table is not just a place to eat but rather a place where discipleship and growth can take place. Around the table, we find a place for more than food. We can discover discipleship, relationship, outreach, healthy lives, remembrance, place to be thankful – so important and now more than ever we need to be committed to it.

Summer In-joyment

We’ve been through celebrations of New Year, Easter, graduations, maybe even birthdays, and here we are at Summertime. In this message, we want to look at how God wants us to enjoy life; yet, you may have found yourself in a season of anything but that. So we want look at how we can all restore the joy of the Lord into our lives in the message, Summer In-joyment.

UnUsual Influence

In week #5 we want to look at what out past relationships do to our future ones.  We need to be careful or our hurts and actions can lead us to lose our influence.  Join in this week as we step away from the usual to experience UnUsual Influence.

UnUsual Commitment

In week #2 we will look at what it takes to take commitment out of the warped definition the world provides and see what God thinks.

UnUsual Love

SCRIPTURE: Romans 12:1-2 (MSG); John 3:16 (KJV) How are your relationships?  Do your relationships just seem to be more of the “same old same old.”  Do you desire  to have relationships in your life that look a be different than “the usual” one that seem to be all around you?  Regardless of the point you are in life, whether you are have been in a relationship for years, are in a brand new one, going through broken relationships, or believe you…

When You’re in Love…It’s Crazy

As we journey through this series, I hope that you are challenged in the core areas of our faith as we delve deeper into what it means to be a follower of Jesus who is “crazy in love” with God and may it resonate with you, forever.  This week we kick off our introduction to the series with the message, “When You’re in Love…It’s Crazy”

Preparing the Connector

There are so many times we cannot see or hear what God is doing or even see God at all due to all the noise and interference of life.  In this series we will find out how to tune out distractions in life and see & hear God more clearly.

My Encounter

In week #4 of the series, we will take a look at the close encounter of Jesus and Nicodemus as Matthew Northwood will be with us sharing how Nicodemus’ encounter and our encounter with Jesus are life-changing while we must also beware of the truth we can miss in the midst of the encounter.

Christmas Expressed

This week is our Children’s Christmas Program. The kids have been really working on it so come out to support them. This will be followed by a brief message called, Christmas Expressed, by Jack Cohen. All of these will set the celebration of Christmas in the correct context and really have us ready for Christ to move in our hearts this season.