Services on John

Services on John

Anything I Ask

Over the next three weeks, we will cover three of the most misconstrued verses in the Bible as we get to know the background of the verses, what they really mean, and how to find the depth of God’s message through them. Verse in this series include, “For I know the plans I have for you…” (Jeremiah 29:11); “Ask anything in my name…” (John 14:14); and “Do not judge, or you too will be judged…”(Matt 7:1-2).


In A Couple of Days, One Week, we explore Jesus’ Passion Week & how it altered the course of humanity forever. This week contains raw emotions, heavenly purpose, & cosmic significance. It’s not just a history lesson, but an invitation as are not spectators, we are participants. Journeying through a couple of these days, we wrestle with doubt, embrace grace, face our own betrayals, & experience the weight of nails & Jesus’ words, “It is finished.” Yet, Sunday morning brings the victory of an empty tomb, a seismic shift that reverberates across time.

I Can’t Hear You

This 5-week series covers a variety of those very topics from our last questionnaire and other main topics that you and others wanted to hear most. So, we took five of the top topics you wanted to know about and put them in this 5-week series called, “You Really Wanted to Know.” Don’t miss out or you will still be wondering.

Bringing Back the Love

In this 4-week series, “I’ll be back!” we are going to focus on the love of God for His people and how He tells us to “not let your hearts be troubled.” As a Christian/Christ-follower we can do just that, because you’re on the winning side. Join us in this series as we can get excited that Jesus promises, “I’ll be back!”

Love Completely

In this series, based on the book and concepts from Kerry and Chris Shook, One Month to Live: Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life, we will approach living the fullness of life Jesus promised as we start living as if we have only had 30 days left. If we embrace this fully, it radically changes the way they think and act and will make a major difference in our own lives.

I Doubt Him

We will examine the reasons why we doubt, and learn how to approach our doubts with grace and understanding all while exploring ways to move forward in faith, even when we still have questions, using our doubts as a catalyst for a deeper relationship with God.

Full of Faith and Doubt

We will examine the reasons why we doubt, learn how to approach our doubts with grace and understanding all while exploring ways to move forward in faith, even when we still have questions, using our doubts as a catalyst for deeper relationship with God.


We focus on it being a genre of a playlist, a type of song, a style of worship (contemporary and traditional). Jesus said that a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth. If that is what God desires, what does it mean to be a true worshiper?

Are You Even Listening?

  In the message series, Living on the Prayer, we will journey through the Lord’s Prayer along with church-wide small groups (the Prayer Course) we will learn to grow and deepen in our prayer lives.

X Marks the Spot

In the message series, Creed: Knowing Fully What We Believe In, over the next 10 weeks, we will talking about each line of the ancient creed of faith, the Apostles’ Creed.

My Best Days Are Now

When what we do isn’t making a difference, how can we find the life we desire for? In this series, I Choose…A Better Way, we will look to do just that.