Plastic Jesus
When Plastic Jesus Gets Blown Away
In this final week of the Plastic Jesus series, we look at when God steps in and does the miraculous.
Plastic Jesus at the Beach
In continuing the Plastic Jesus series, this week we focus on how Summertime is full of day trips, picnics and vacations.
When God Can’t – Frustration
In this sermon we will look at how to handle our frustration to see how God can and God will make a way.
End of the World? Does it Matter?
In this second week of the Plastic Jesus sermon series, we will talk about should it matter if the end of the world comes for those who love Christ? And how does our Plastic Jesus fit into our End of the World Bucket Lists!
In the Box, Out of the Box
In this series, we will look at these areas and see how we can break the plastic Jesus mold for the real Jesus.