Services on Psalms (Page 2)

Services on Psalms (Page 2)

Stop Going to Church…

In this one-week message we will lovingly but boldly urge people to be the church. We will look at how we can be the church through serving, giving, and being connected with God and others.

Deep Seeded

In this series we will look at how God thinks differently than we do, and that His ways are higher than ours. When generously take what we have our time, energy, money, or talents, God can cause them to affect more people, make our dreams into a realty that is greater than we could ever imagine.

America, Then, Now and….

It’s that time of the year when we are getting ready to celebrate the birthday of our country, the 4th of July. We live in a fantastic country that has afforded us so many freedoms that many in the world could only dream about. Yet, even with those freedoms we also live in a time of great conflict, upheaval and division. With all this, we may wonder where are we headed and as Christians, what is the role of a church that needs to be salt and light in this world and country. Join us this week as in the message, America, Then, Now and…, we will look at just those things.

You’re About to Give Up

In this week, we will look at something that seems to hit most people in life when it comes to losing hope.  How can you have Hope Rising, When You’re About to Give Up.  When you struggle with loss, depression and giving up, how can hope rise again?

Tingly All Over

What do we do when so many around us talk about hear, seeing or feeling God and we just don’t. In week #3 we will look at how God Didn’t make me feel Him, so I can’t believe in Him or at least I have problems doing so. Let’s talk about and see what we do when God doesn’t make us Tingly All Over.

Your Five

In the first message series of the year, The Five, we will look at 5 areas we can implement in life to keep and live out the goals we set before us.  Week #3 of the message series will examine the best ways to shape and carve out our five in the message, Your Five.

How Do I Handle Stress?

In the last week of this series, we will analyze an issue that is facing us all — especially during this time of year — STRESS. This final week as we wrap up the series and head into the holiday season, find out How Do I Handle Stress.

Baggage Claim

In week 1 of the Baggage series, we will look at Baggage Claim and how part of our victory over the baggage is claiming it and giving it to the Lord.

Search Me

If you are ready to see a spark in your life this three-week series, Praycarious, teaches us to pray prayers that do just that. In the first week we will praycariously pray, “God, Search Me.”

Living Without Regret

Sometimes it seems as though life is like having a piece to a puzzle but can’t find the rest of the puzzle or ending up where it does not fit and we try to force it to work, living lives with so much frustration, guilty and regret. Jesus promised us so much more that all that. In this last week of the series, we will look at how we can end up Living Without Regret.

Living the Dash

What if you only had one month to live. What changes would you make in your life? In this series based off of the book One Month to Live: Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life we will be encouraged to face our own mortality and live life to the absolute fullest as Christ intended. We only have One Month to Live.

Better is One Day

As we start off this year we ask our, “Can we get better. In this series we will learn how we change things we thing are so important all for something Better. This week we look at Better Is One Day.