Your Five

Your Five

Scripture(s): Psalm 90:12; Jeremiah 6:16

Here we are at the beginning of a New Year.  If you are like me, your mind is somewhere caught in the whirlwind of last year, the excitement and/or the exhaustion of facing a new full year of the unknown.  This time last year entering 2016, so many of us had hopes, dreams, and kicked the year off with resolutions believing, “This year is going to be different.”  So many of those hopes dreams and commitments seemed to fall by the wayside as one by one we just did not follow through with our goals for one reason or another.

In the first message series of the year, The Five, we will look at 5 areas we can implement in life to keep and live out the goals we set before us.  Week #3 of the message series will examine the best ways to shape and carve out our five in the message, Your Five.

Front Five
Faux Five