Services on John (Page 5)

Services on John (Page 5)

Mysterious Ways (10:15AM)

In week 1, this Easter, we will look at he story of the woman at the well seeing how one encounter with Jesus can have impact our lives for the present and for all eternity — the hope for our lives resides in Christ in you?

Mysterious Ways (8:15AM)

In week 1, this Easter, we will look at he story of the woman at the well seeing how one encounter with Jesus can have impact our lives for the present and for all eternity — the hope for our lives resides in Christ in you?

Easter Sunrise Service – 2015

In John 20: 1-18, he Account of the Resurrection starts with “Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark…”. And so it was for our Sunrise Service on this Resurrection Day. At the end of the passage, Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: ” I have seen the Lord!” And she told them that he had said these things to her. He Is Risen!!

All In

Join us in the message series, Do Over. We conclude this series with a look at what it takes to be truly fired up and all in for the Lord as we get this “do over.”

Miry Reminder

In week #3 of our series The Ghost, we will discuss and show us how the Holy Spirit works as our divine reminder of who we are in Christ — no matter how “miry” the pits of our lives the Holy Spirit will remind us of who are deliver is.

Easter Service – Late

Come out this Easter Sunday to Haven Community Church during our 8:15 a.m. or 10:15 a.m. services to enjoy Getting’ Messy This Easter as we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ and the better life Christ offers us.

Easter Service

Come out this Easter Sunday to Haven Community Church during our 8:15 a.m. or 10:15 a.m. services to enjoy Getting’ Messy This Easter as we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ and the better life Christ offers us.

Bringing Me Down

In week #3 of Overcoming the Gap, we will look at how when we do not match up to the expectations of others. They expect one thing and we do something else. More importantly, what do we do when others expectations get in the way of what Christ is calling us to do or to be?

Who and What is the Holy Spirit

For the next several weeks, we will be looking at many of those questions in our new sermon series: fAQ: frequently Asked Questions. With this week being a celebration of Pentecost, we begin this week with fAQ: Who and what is the Holy Spirit?

Water to Wine

John 2:1-11 The world is full of change & that can often be a trying time. Jesus first recorded miracle at the wedding of Cana was exactly that, one of changing – water into wine. What can we learn from this unusual account about how our lives change & are shape in to something with incredible value when Jesus acts in our lives.

Stirred Up

This week in the Refreshed sermon series, we will look at how what stirs us up and how God can stir us up even if we do not “feel” like it and begin to understand what it means to live beyond how we feel.