Services on Ecclesiastes
Let It Go! Let It Go! Let It Go!
This message series will help us recognize that much of the weight we carry comes from things God never intended for us to bear & His solution is simple: let go of the unnecessary baggage and start cleaning out this Christmas. By decluttering our we can begin to open up new space and make room for something new God has in store for us.
I Still Haven’t Found What I Am Looking For
In this series we will look at one of His most famous teachings in all of history and Jesus’ longest recorded sermon: the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount. Over the next several week we will focus on the Beatitudes talk about what it’s like to live “Right-side Up in an Upside Down World.”
We Need Each Other
A great destination is not fantastic unless you do it with great people. As God is taking us on a journey of life, we are looking at the great places He is leading us & realizing we don’t do anything alone, We Need Each Other: Relationships Without Regrets.
From Evening to Morning
Year 2021! Whoop-de-doo! Let’s not just think about this year until 2022, let’s think about bigger. What about 5 years? What changes can you make now to become who you want to be in five years?
Right Place, Right Time
How do we know we are where God wants us to be? What is most important to God? What do we do when what we dreamed does not match with where we are? Join in this week for Right Place, Right Time.
Ghost of Christmas Wronged
In our new series, Ghosts of Christmas Past, we will boldly look to God to heal us from the “ghosts of Christmas past” so we can embrace the joy we have in Jesus.
Better is One Handful
Do you find yourself “juggling” so many things, maybe you believe you are a “Jack of all trades” and because you are so overwhelmed, you don’t really do anything well or completely. This week we look at Better Is One Handful. Rather than burdening yourself with so much, maybe it is time for something Better!
God Wants You to be Happy
In this 4-week series we will address common misattributes about God, like “God will not give you more than you can handle,” or “God wants you to be happy.” In doing so, we will look at how these quick areas may make us feel better temporarily; however, they often prevent us from delving into deeper relationship with Him.
So, joins us as we look at where God says, I Did Not Say That: when we say in Week #2: God Wants You to be Happy.
In week 2 of the UnStuck series, we will look at some of the most important areas that help us succeed in life or drag us down like a lifeboat hooked to the Titantic. Friendships are part of God’s plan and we all realize that Jesus and the early church always sent people out in pairs.
Losing Heart
At times in life, we all have goals, dreams and hopes and we believe that they are ways to achieve contentment and happiness. However, most of the time we find out we are left unfulfilled and even more disheartened then before. How can we quit losing heart in the world today? How can we hear God in the midst of our broken dreams?