Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 54)

Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 54)

Do you want Jesus with that?

So often we want the quick fix and the easy thing so much that we don’t even have to get out of are cars. In some ways, Christianity has become drive-thru rather than what Christ intended for His church.

What If Immanuel?

One of the great Christmas songs of all time is O Come, O Come Emmanuel, and really the only time many of us use this term.

Old Time Faith

In this second week of the series Old Time Religion, we will look at the old time faith and how some of the greatest hardships in life strengthens the relationship with Christ rather than divides or severs it.

Old Time Message

In this series, Pastor Jack looks back at the some tenets of the Christianity of yesteryear and how can the church in the world today can recapture the fervor and desire to know, grow, serve and share Jesus Christ.

Off & Ouch

This week we speak about hiding our sins and our hurts, two things that both paralyze and destroy our faith walks.


In this sermon, we will talk about the masks we wear and how to remove them so that Christ can transform us.


In the UnStuck series we have looked at getting unstuck in our faith, friends, family, field, and finances this final week we will look at the final place we can get stuck…our future.


We hear it on the news, we recognize it in stores, we definitely experience it personally — financial woes and worries. George Gallup reports that 64% of all couples worry about money.


In week 4 of the UnStuck series, we look at God’s plan for your field realizing God does not want us to be stuck in our career, but bring Him glory in all that you do.


In week 3 of the UnStuck series, we look at God’s plan for family realizing God does not want us to be stuck.


In week 2 of the UnStuck series, we will look at some of the most important areas that help us succeed in life or drag us down like a lifeboat hooked to the Titantic. Friendships are part of God’s plan and we all realize that Jesus and the early church always sent people out in pairs.