Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 49)

Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 49)

Who and What is the Holy Spirit

For the next several weeks, we will be looking at many of those questions in our new sermon series: fAQ: frequently Asked Questions. With this week being a celebration of Pentecost, we begin this week with fAQ: Who and what is the Holy Spirit?

You are More Than…

In delving from the Parables of Jesus, this week our red letters come from Jesus’ & the Apostle Paul as they shape for us an understanding that women are more than stereotypical images of womanhood, but divinely created in the image of God.

Seeds & Soil

In week #2 of the Redletters sermon series our focus on Jesus continues as we will look at the parable of Jesus regarding the sower from Matthew 13. On this Cinco de Mayo we will look our “cardio conditions” and how they display so much of the growth or lack or growth in our faith journeys.

The Good Samaritan

Luke 10:25-37(NIV) The words spoken by Jesus are powerful, life changing, and world changing.  Many bibles want to set them apart so much that they printed in red letters.  For the next several weeks, we will look at the words of Christ and how they can inspire, transform and call us to a higher level of faith.  This week we will look at the Good Samaritan.

Hide & Seek

Philippians 3:1-14 (NIV) Last week we left off looking toward unpacking Philippians 3 this week and our focus will be on the importance of knowing Christ.  The events of this week with the terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon and its manhunt, the explosion in West Texas all causing me to recognize just how much the world needs to know Jesus.  Just think, one second runners are getting ready to cross the finish line of a grueling 26.2 mile race,…

Be Committed

This week we continue the Be the Message series focusing on Jesus’ next section of the Sermon on the Mount regarding and this week we are focusing on the BEing Committed.

Be Complete

Matthew 5:1-6, Luke 18:9-14 Have you heard it?  You know what he said or what she said.  When we hear these things we often wonder about the importance of the someone’s words.  Words can help, harm, lead, destroy, etc.  Either way they convey the importance of what someone wants to get through.  Following Easter, the disciples wanted to live for Christ in a powerful way, as I am sure many of us do today.  The scriptures tell us that he…


In our final week of the Close Encounters series we get an opportunity to celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord by looking at Roads.

Satan’s Seduction

This week we will look at the close encounters that Jesus had with Satan. Additionally, we will look at what Satan wants to do to us and how we can learn from Jesus’ encounters with Satan, how he can be overcome.

Shamrock Surrender

This week in the Close Encounters series we will be looking at the encounter of the man known only as the Rich Young Rule with Jesus and how this meeting could have been life enriching but the choices he made left him with sadness.