Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 41)

Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 41)

Mysterious Ways (8:15AM)

In week 1, this Easter, we will look at he story of the woman at the well seeing how one encounter with Jesus can have impact our lives for the present and for all eternity — the hope for our lives resides in Christ in you?

Easter Sunrise Service – 2015

In John 20: 1-18, he Account of the Resurrection starts with “Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark…”. And so it was for our Sunrise Service on this Resurrection Day. At the end of the passage, Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: ” I have seen the Lord!” And she told them that he had said these things to her. He Is Risen!!

Place the Cross on The Hill

At the conclusion of the Good Friday service, and the congregation nailing their palm branches to the cross, the cross was place on the Hill outside the church. Good bless everyone.

Good Friday Service

Checkmate – From the very beginning, the Bible story depicts an eternal chess match. A match between God — who created a world that was “good” and desired to have a love relationship with the people he created — and Satan — who wanted only to destroy the goodness of God and His creation.

Peace FULL

Join us as in this last week of the series, Fill ‘Er Up, we conclude with filling the take only when we come to a place of peace with God. From that point of peace-filled with can can we truly seek and live at peace with others.

Would You Rather

The ways or “Beattitudes” that Jesus shares are so vastly different than what they thought back then and even more as we do in our world today. Join us as in week #3 of the series, we will examine how when someone realizes what God has done for them in Jesus, it should lead us to an demonstration of that changed heart outwardly toward others.

The Game of Life

Join us as in week #2 of the series, we look at how this better way of life is not about learning and doing things but by becoming someone who is new.

All Empty

The ways or “Beattitudes” that Jesus shares are so vastly different than what they thought back then and even more as we do in our world today. Join us in our quest as we Fill ‘Er Up in week 1 as we come to All Empty.

Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On

In this final week of the message series, Chapter XII, we will look at the the confidence, stability and security we have in Christ which enables us to endure when everything else around us is shaken.

Gotta Have B.O.

When all else is falling apart, we, through Christ, remain unshaken. In Week #3 of the message series, Chapter XII, we will look at the difference obedience means for us, our relationship with God and endurance in life.

Getting Mr. Bobby

In the new message series, Chapter XII, we will look at become all Jesus intends for us to be by looking at this transformational chapter from the book of Hebrews.

Shake It Off, Shake It Off

When all else is falling apart, we, through Christ, remain unshaken. In the new message series, Chapter XII, we will look at become all Jesus intends for us to be by looking at this transformational chapter from the book of Hebrews.