Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 40)

Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 40)

Raise the Roof

In week #3 of the message series, Eyes Wide Shut, we will look at a Jesus heals a paralyzed man brought to him by friends. This week we will be asking the question, “What would you be willing to do to get someone you love what they need so that they could be well and whole?” Our VBS shares with us briefly and after the service we will go to the N.E. River for our annual baptism service. You don’t want to miss this week as we, Raise the Roof.

Time For A Cool Change

In week #2 of the message series, Eyes Wide Shut, we will look at a Jesus heals a man possessed in the Synagogue in Capernaum. As Christians we recognize that Jesus changed everything on the cross & desires to keep on changing us from the inside out. As the Summer months heat up & so do our lives, this week it is, Time for a Cool Change

Is Seeing Believing

In week #1 of the message series, Eyes Wide Shut, we will look at a man who becomes a believer after Jesus heals his sick son. He believed because he saw and it changed his immediate life. The question for us is, “Can we move from “seeing is believing” because things got better to “trusting is believing” regardless of the outcome?” This week, Is Seeing Believing?

Believe What You Want

In week #4 we will look at the cultural belief that it does not matter what I believe as long as I am sincere. God says, “I Did Not Say That” when we look at Believe What You Want. This week we want to look at how what we believe is so important and we are going to consider Jesus — NOT the Christian religion, NOT church, but Jesus.

Do What You Want

In week #3 we will look at the cultural belief that it does not matter what I do as long as I do not hurt anyone else. God says, “I Did Not Say That” when we look at Do What You Want.

God Wants You to be Happy

In this 4-week series we will address common misattributes about God, like “God will not give you more than you can handle,” or “God wants you to be happy.” In doing so, we will look at how these quick areas may make us feel better temporarily; however, they often prevent us from delving into deeper relationship with Him. So, joins us as we look at where God says, I Did Not Say That: when we say in Week #2: God Wants You to be Happy.

God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle

In this 4-week series we will address common misattributes about God, like “God will not give you more than you can handle,” or “God wants you to be happy.” In doing so, we will look at how these quick areas may make us feel better temporarily; however, the often prevent us from delving into deeper relationship with Him. So, joins us as we look at where God says, I Did Not Say That: Week #1: God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle.

What if…

In week 2, when it seems like things are falling apart, and fear seem to creep we must learn to live life with “What if.”

Halfway Around

This mini-series with we will look at how when we Don’t Stop, God’s reveals His perfect promise and purpose in our lives.

Posting Problems

We guard ourselves by projecting a false image and perfection to the all those around us. In this third week of the message series, The Hope, we will look at how redirecting our energy from creating false life images to our real selves can save a lot of pain and heartache when we get rid of our Posting Problems.

High Hopes

In week 2, we look at the life of Abraham and how we spend so much of our lives judge our ourselves by or failing and mistakes. Even so, God dhe doesn’t focus on past mistakes or circumstances, but God view our lives through the lens of Christ, in circumstances where it seems hope is lost, God can use our faith to make real His purpose in our lives, taking our brokenness and giving us, High Hopes.

Mysterious Ways (10:15AM)

In week 1, this Easter, we will look at he story of the woman at the well seeing how one encounter with Jesus can have impact our lives for the present and for all eternity — the hope for our lives resides in Christ in you?