Posting Problems

Posting Problems

Scripture(s): 2 Corinthians 3:13-18 (NIV)

Deep inside all of us there is a place filled with imagination, dreams and hopes and these things are here for a purpose. We all want to matter to have our lives to make an impact. What if we were to discover that everything needed to live that impactful life is already available, no matter where we have come from, the lives we have lived, in spite of our faults and our time wasted. Yet, Jesus has a way of working in our lives to point us to Himself & what He offers us. We live our lives in constant states of comparison by doing so we easy see the areas we are lacking, and how we don’t measure up to how we view others or our idealized self. So what do we do? We guard ourselves by projecting a false image and perfection to the all those around us.

In this third week of the message series, The Hope, we will look at how redirecting our energy from creating false life images to our real selves can save a lot of pain and heartache when we get rid of our Posting Problems.

High Hopes