Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 35)

Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 35)

How Can I Hear God’s Voice?

In week one, we will ask the question:  How Can I Hear God’s Voice?  Have you heard people say that “God told me this” or “God say that”?  Have you ever wondered how they heard God or if they even heard God at all.  In this message we will look at how we can hear God’s voice.

Radical Abandonment

In this final week of the Radical message series, we will look at what it means to take all this and apply it as we live out our lives in Radical Abandonment.

Radical Generosity

In week 5 of the Radical message series, we will look at what it means to radically change the way we we look at the way we can radically give and be more generous.

Radical Urgency

In week 4 of the Radical message series, we will look at some of the biggest challenges to commitment to radical urgency for the church, and how God calls us to kick it up a notch.

Radical Splagchnizomai

What do you think when you hear the staggering numbers of poverty and needless death in the world. What about when you hear about the 4.9 Billion people who have no faith in Christ? What do you think? Do you think twice? Does it move your heart? On week three we will embrace the greek word and concept or “Splagchnizomai” when it comes to being radical.

Radical Sacrifice Radical Grace

This week what does it mean for the Christian to truly experience sacrifice? We have spins in our culture when we say we are sacrificing but let us learn and embrace Radical Sacrifice to truly experience Radical Grace.

Radical Gospel Demands

What would happen if the church intentionally committed to the purposes of God to find true life and satisfaction with a church that is RADICAL.

Relational Baggage

In week 3 of the Baggage  series, we will look at the Relational Baggage that hits us in life and steals us from the Promised land God calls us to — All the while it hurts and changes who we are.  

Emotional Baggage

In week 2 of the Baggage series, we will look at the Emotional Baggage brought on by the lies and statements that leave us so bogged down, beaten down, depressed and have warped who we really are in Christ.

Baggage Claim

In week 1 of the Baggage series, we will look at Baggage Claim and how part of our victory over the baggage is claiming it and giving it to the Lord.

The Thing

In week one of the series, That One Thing  we will see that even when our faith is shaken, God is not.  Join us this week for The Thing.

Be Ready

In the series, Be Awkward, we will look at how we can become more confident in sharing our faith as we continue to Be Awkward.   In week 3 we will look at how to take the awkward out of sharing our faith as we look at the Parable of the Sower and explain the differences in Christianity, religion and being spiritual as we learn to Be Ready.