Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 32)

Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 32)

You’re About to Give Up

In this week, we will look at something that seems to hit most people in life when it comes to losing hope.  How can you have Hope Rising, When You’re About to Give Up.  When you struggle with loss, depression and giving up, how can hope rise again?

Going It Alone

On this Mother’s Day Weekend, we will look at the topic of Going It Alone. How to find hope rising when it seems like it’s just you in life. To do this we will look at the story of Ruth to see Hope Rising.

When the Speed of Life is Out of Control

We love to go fast. From the earliest days, “Daddy, go faster!” To the early 20s of “putting the pedal to the metal” zooming down the road. Often our lives do exactly the same as we go fast faster, and fastest. In week #3, we will look at how in order to have hope rising we need to discover why we go so fast heading for a crash in life.

When Life Doesn’t Go the Way You Planned

There’s no better time to kick of this series than Easter Sunday when it seemed all was lost, in Jesus we see Hope Rising. What do you do when life takes twists and turns and goes to places you don’t want to go or ends up where you never thought it would be? In week #2, we will look at how we seek hope rising in those areas of life where life just goes in a completely different way.

Easter Service – 10:15 AM

Everyone needs hope. Without it we tend to fade away and give up. In a world with so many disappointments, injustice, fear, loss and pain we more than ever need to be convinced there is still hope. In this series, Hope Rising, will awaken the hope God has for us in Christ, leaving you confident and comfort that the future is in God’s hands. There’s no better time to kick of this series than Easter Sunday when it seemed all was lost, in Jesus we see Hope Rising.

Easter Service – 8:15 AM

Everyone needs hope.  Without it we tend to fade away and give up.  In a world with so many disappointments, injustice, fear, loss and pain we more than ever need to be convinced there is still hope.  In this series, Hope Rising, will awaken the hope God has for us in Christ, leaving you confident and comfort that the future is in God’s hands.  There’s no better time to kick of this series than Easter Sunday when it seemed all was lost, in Jesus we see Hope Rising.

Good Friday Service

Come hear the story of The Last Supper, Peter’s Denial of Jesus, Soldier’s Mocking our Savior, His Crucifixion, and the Death of Jesus.

Callous God

Scripture(s): 1 Peter 1:6-7 (NLT) There are those times when believing in God seems so difficult because we pray and wonder why our prayers are not answered.  We see and experience suffering and tragedy; yet, wonder where God is and why does he tolerate suffering.  How do we make sense of all this?  So often we want to trust and believe in God but when the aforementioned things happen we often doubt God cares or even if he is there…

Tingly All Over

What do we do when so many around us talk about hear, seeing or feeling God and we just don’t. In week #3 we will look at how God Didn’t make me feel Him, so I can’t believe in Him or at least I have problems doing so. Let’s talk about and see what we do when God doesn’t make us Tingly All Over.

Party Pooper

In week #2, we are going to look at our focus when God is not very fun. Many want to believe in God, but I don’t want to be a boring, stick-in-the-mud. To be a follower of Christ, there seems to be so many do’s and don’ts and rules and regulations. If we are really honest, many Christians are just not very likable. They seemed to be hypocritical, judgmental and holier-than-thou, often saying one thing and then something the complete opposite. In this second week of the God Didn’t, I Can’t series, look at how some often have a desire to believe in God but I can’t because God is such a Party Pooper.

Sugar Abba

In week #1, we look at if God loves us and cares so much, why doesn’t He do what we want Him to do. Obviously, if he really cares He should do what’s best and we know what’s best for us. Jesus told us to pray calling God “Abba” or Daddy. If God is our Daddy in heaven then Daddy needs to take care of us. We need this now and what we really need is a Sugar Abba.


In our last week of the Running with the Big Dogs message series, we will take one more lap around life with the biggest dog of all: Jesus. Hebrews 12 tells us that to win at this race of life we must keep our eyes on Jesus. Let’s take that last lap wrap around with Big Dog Jesus.