Services on Matthew (Page 7)

Services on Matthew (Page 7)

Unstoppable Church

In this series we will see and hear how God wants us, through His Holy Spirit, to play a major role in His UNSTOPPABLE mission to the world. In Week #2 we look at Christ’s Holy Spirit plan for the redemption of the world through the work of the Church.

I AM the Resurrection & the Life

On Easter Sunday, we kick off our new series:  I AM Jesus as we will discover Jesus — revealed in various areas in the Bible.   During the first week, we will begin to understand Jesus more when he says “I AM the Resurrection and the Life.”

Leave Boldly

Although we are not Jesus, we’re talking about leaving boldly because God has placed within everyone of our hearts a deep desire to live a life that will outlast us by doing something with our one and only life that will be here after we’re gone. This week in OMTL series, the message will focus us on our fourth principle as we learn to Leave Boldly with a great legacy.


“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” – Reinhold Niebuhr

Those Hypocritical Ones

In our journey in life, how do we live with them, love them, be there for them and survive the influence they have on our lives yet, encourage and strengthen them to not be that way, but become who they can be in Christ. What about us? What if we are or are becoming “those hypocritical people” how can we truly become who Christ calls us us to be in Him.

Those Manipulating Ones

In our journey in life, how do we live with them, love them, be there for them and survive the influence they have on our lives yet, encourage and strengthen them to not be that way, but become who they can be in Christ. What about us? What if we are “those people” or becoming “those manipulating people” how can we truly become who Christ calls us us to be in Him.

Those Unforgiving Ones

In week #2 of the series, we will look at those individuals in our lives that are those who cannot remember birthdays and anniversaries, but they can remember when you said “that thing” to them, forgot their birthday or anniversary or just said something they did not agree with. Who are they? They are Those Unforgiving Ones. How do we live with them, love them, be there for them; yet, encourage and strengthen them to not be that way, but become who they can be in Christ. Equally important, how can we not become “those people” or stop being “those people” and truly become who Christ calls us to be in Him.

When the Sun Goes Down

This week is the final, final week of the Sun Stand Still message series. After journeying the past few weeks, we have seen how God calls us to “Page 23 Visions” and Sun Stand Still prayers and these are incredible times and moves of God. So, what do we do when whole-heartedly intention in moments when we need the Sun to Stand Still and the Sun still sets? This week we look at what Jesus said about prayer and those times when we look at what to do when God doesn’t answer our prayers – join us as we look at what to do When the Sun Still Goes Down.


In this single week message, join us as we discover God’s desire to RESCUE us through His purpose for the Church, not the institution but the people, their lives, their own rescue stories — in order to RESCUE others that may be drowning, too.

Believe What You Want

In week #4 we will look at the cultural belief that it does not matter what I believe as long as I am sincere. God says, “I Did Not Say That” when we look at Believe What You Want. This week we want to look at how what we believe is so important and we are going to consider Jesus — NOT the Christian religion, NOT church, but Jesus.

Who Is My Mother?

Jesus often kicked everything up a notch by telling us we must not only give love, honor and care to those dear to us but to all dear to us. Join us as this week we ask the question, “Who Is My Mother?”

Peace FULL

Join us as in this last week of the series, Fill ‘Er Up, we conclude with filling the take only when we come to a place of peace with God. From that point of peace-filled with can can we truly seek and live at peace with others.