Services on Matthew (Page 4)

Services on Matthew (Page 4)

A Christmas Story

This 4-week Christmas sermon series explores several classic Christmas films that remind us all of the joy, hope, faith and love displayed in Jesus’ coming to earth.

Forgiving Others – Really?

This six-week series covers a variety of topics that you wanted to hear most. So we tallied up the top six topics you wanted to know about and put them in 6-week this series, “You Wanted to Know.”

Finding Rest

In God’s design of humans, he created bodies that need rest,. He did not make rest a suggestion, he commanded it. But rest is not something we choose for ourselves. What are we missing out on as we choose not to rest? Join us this Sunday as we look at finding rest that draws us closer to God and makes us more productive. 

Plan For It

Everyone wants to be happy. But what makes us happy? And why is happiness easy to find, but hard to keep?  In this church-wide series and study, we will look at just these questions to discover our quest for happiness.


This week we will look at how No Thing in life can make you happy it is about relationship.

My God, My God, Why?

Often when we are in the midst of a bad day or struggle, we often feel so alone and even isolate ourselves from others.  In our bad days and moment of challenge in life we may wonder where you are God..  In week #3 of the series, we look at My God, My God, Why?

Understanding It

If we believe that, why don’t we embrace The Written Word all the more. In this series we will stir up a desire for God’s Word to bring life changing power to your life.

Get Ugly

Christmas is one of those interesting times of the year, it’s filled with all the beautiful lights and decorations; yet, it is also a time filled with gaudy decor and ugly sweaters. Some have even received them as gifts. Have you ever received a perfect gift?

Near or With

The Christmas season is filled with many traditions and excitement; yet, Christmas for others it can be a time of disconnect and loss.