Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 56)

Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 56)

At Ground Zero

As we approach this weekend, we look to the 10 year anniversary of 9/11, we are reminded of the events that occurred that changed our world as we knew it. In addition, for Haven Church, we look to this week as Commitment Sunday as we step forward as a church to a new phase of ministry.

The Explained Life

Have you ever said or heard the statements that begin with, “If only I had….” or “I can just get….” It seems we so often live in lives so dependent on chance and wishful thinking rather than living full, happy lives not based on conditions or occurrences. In this sermon we will balance this with Paul’s statements in Philippians 4 focussing on contentment.

The Abrasive Christ

The second week of this series, we examine how Christ can be so upfront with us that at times we are shocked at by his abruptness. When we step back to take a look it can be the most important our development in faith.

The Confusing Christ

This week we will look at the famous Beatitudes in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and how the words of the confusing Christ confuse and compel us.


Think about it, 78 years, that is not really a long time at all. So, what is it that you want to leave as a legacy? Yes, we pass things onto our spouse, children, grandchildren, friends, etc. More importantly, what is our legacy for God that we will leave for the generations behind us, so they can know Jesus?

When I Grow Up

In this second week of the Mirrors sermon series, we will look in the mirror at the areas where we haven’t grown up in our faith.

Looks are Deceptive

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Are you happy or sad, rested or excited? In this sermon series, Mirrors, we will look into several areas of self-evaluation when we look into the mirror to see those blemishes in our relationship with Christ.

Elephants & Skeletons

So often we sing, read scripture, hear a message; yet, still may be experiencing by juggling, hiding and ignoring the things that keep us from salvation & revival in a freeing relationship with Christ.