Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 44)

Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 44)

Not at Home

This week conclude our series with seeing how all these pressures in life lead us away from the peace of feeling at home.

Penciled In

This week we ask the questions, “Do we have time for God?” and “Do we really trust God to do what He says when we follow Him?


Pressure…we feel it, we live with it, we are controlled by it and we know we need a change, but where do we begin?

The Freedom Dream

This week we will look at The Freedom Dream as Haven Church explores the true freedom you get when living a life with Christ. Because once you accept Him, your past no longer holds you down and your strongholds are broken.

Fruit Cycle

In this fourth week in our series The Ghost, Pastor Jack will look at the true purpose via the fruits of the Holy Spirit and the cycle the Spirit works in the lives of believers. So join us for The Ghost: Fruit Cycle this week at Haven Church.

Miry Reminder

In week #3 of our series The Ghost, we will discuss and show us how the Holy Spirit works as our divine reminder of who we are in Christ — no matter how “miry” the pits of our lives the Holy Spirit will remind us of who are deliver is.

Power Full

It is during those times that the only way we overcome these challenges is through the Holy Spirit and His power. How does that happen? Through several qualities that the Holy Spirit wants to give to all believers.

Inner Upgrade

In this series, we will look at what the Bible teaches us about the Holy Spirit and how He works in, through us, and around us. Be sure to come out and explore the power and purpose of The Ghost.

Made to Stick

Even though that is a major part, there seems to have be a great disconnect between what is meant by a “God pleasing spirituality” as it relates to others and our connections with not only those who, “have it together,” but all who struggle.

End of the Innocence

his week we will look at what we do when transitions in life and faith don’t always follow the pattern we expect and what’s left when it’s the End of the Innocence.

Higher Love

Our churches and ultimately, the hearts of Christians. If we seriously took Jesus command what would that mean for our lives and how can we attain this Higher Love.