Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 18)

Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 18)

Choose Daily

In this series we will talk about God’s plan for us as the only plan as I Choose Joy over all things.

Choose First

What choice do we have in this time?  In this series we will talk about God’s plan for us as the only plan as I Choose Joy over all things.


As we look around at a very divided world and so many people are hurting, What do we do as the church (The Body of Christ)? Where do we even begin in this confusing and broken culture? In this one week message, we will look at how we can embrace the calling God desires for the church in order to bring restoration, healing, and unity so we can become, unDivided.

When It Is Not Enough

This series will help us learn to be thankful and encouraged in spite of all the negativity we experience in this world. Join us for Positively (New) Normal.

Renewed Passion

This series will help us learn to be thankful and encouraged in spite of all the negativity we experience in this world. Join us for Positively (New) Normal.

New Encouragement

This series will help us learn to be thankful and encouraged in spite of all the negativity we experience in this world. Join us for Positively (New) Normal.

New Confidence

This series will help us learn to be thankful and encouraged in spite of all the negativity we experience in this world. Join us for Positively (New) Normal.

Enough Complaining

This series will help us learn to be thankful and encouraged in spite of all the negativity we experience in this world. Join us for Positively (New) Normal.