Services on Jeremiah

Services on Jeremiah

I Have a Plan

Over the next three weeks, we will cover three of the most misconstrued verses in the Bible as we get to know the background of the verses, what they really mean, and how to find the depth of God’s message through them. Verse in this series include, “For I know the plans I have for you…” (Jeremiah 29:11); “Ask anything in my name…” (John 14:14); and “Do not judge, or you too will be judged…”(Matt 7:1-2).

New Year’s Transformations

Instead of brief resolutions, let’s make lasting spiritua New Year’s Transformations.   Let us transform our hearts, thoughts, & souls as Christ’s love changes our relationships, communities, & larger world.  Through New Year’s Transformations let’s truly transform our lives by the hope of the Spirit. 

I Was Made For This

Have you ever felt as if something were missing from your life? Do you desire a clearer sense of purpose? Maybe you feel stuck in a rut in your spiritual walk?

Help I Am Stressed

This six-week series covers a variety of topics that you wanted to hear most. So we tallied up the top six topics you wanted to know about and put them in 6-week this series, “You Wanted to Know.”

Your Five

In the first message series of the year, The Five, we will look at 5 areas we can implement in life to keep and live out the goals we set before us.  Week #3 of the message series will examine the best ways to shape and carve out our five in the message, Your Five.

The Crossroads

In the first message series of the year, The Five, we will look at 5 areas we can implement in life to keep and live out the goals we set before us. This week we begin on New Year’s Day by meeting at The Crossroads.

What Do I Do When I’ve Been Really Hurt?

We may doing well with God…but other people, that another story! Have you ever felt this way? You’ve sought out God and discover that people have hurt or offended you. What do you do? Join us this week where the question we tackle is What Do I Do When I’ve Been Really Hurt? There are right answers to this and we will look to God’s Word and discover what we should do and say in these moments.

The Faith Awakened

In this brief pre-Christmas series, we will look at how the Holy Spirit is a force more powerful than anything in the universe and how Christian need to truly be awakened by our faith and trust in the “Star Born” Savior, Jesus Christ.

Talk Turkey

What can you learn from a turkey? Actually a lot. This Sunday before Thanksgiving come out and lets “Talk Turkey.”

Looks are Deceptive

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Are you happy or sad, rested or excited? In this sermon series, Mirrors, we will look into several areas of self-evaluation when we look into the mirror to see those blemishes in our relationship with Christ.