Services on Hebrews (Page 2)

Services on Hebrews (Page 2)

Faith Is

In this fourth week of this series, we want to look at faith, particularly the gaps in our faith. You may be at a point where you have lost faith: in leadership; in the the American Dream; in the economy; in God; you may have even lost faith in yourself. How did you get here? You once had it but it seems as if it’s gone. You want to get it back; yet, you are not quite certain what it is that you want. This week we look at what Faith Is, particularly some revelations of faith and how many get it all mixed up. Join us to find out what Faith Is.

Would You Rather

The ways or “Beattitudes” that Jesus shares are so vastly different than what they thought back then and even more as we do in our world today. Join us as in week #3 of the series, we will examine how when someone realizes what God has done for them in Jesus, it should lead us to an demonstration of that changed heart outwardly toward others.

Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On

In this final week of the message series, Chapter XII, we will look at the the confidence, stability and security we have in Christ which enables us to endure when everything else around us is shaken.

Gotta Have B.O.

When all else is falling apart, we, through Christ, remain unshaken. In Week #3 of the message series, Chapter XII, we will look at the difference obedience means for us, our relationship with God and endurance in life.

Getting Mr. Bobby

In the new message series, Chapter XII, we will look at become all Jesus intends for us to be by looking at this transformational chapter from the book of Hebrews.

Shake It Off, Shake It Off

When all else is falling apart, we, through Christ, remain unshaken. In the new message series, Chapter XII, we will look at become all Jesus intends for us to be by looking at this transformational chapter from the book of Hebrews.

Made to Stick

Even though that is a major part, there seems to have be a great disconnect between what is meant by a “God pleasing spirituality” as it relates to others and our connections with not only those who, “have it together,” but all who struggle.

Why Does a Loving God Allow Suffering

Hebrews 11:1-2; 8-19; 32-40  Probably the most frequently asked question from the dawn of time is Why does a loving, all good God allow suffering? Situations change but the question remains the same around suffering: Why are babies born with terminal diseases? Why did those young children have to die in Newtown at the hands of a madman? Why did God allow all those people to die in the tornado in Oklahoma City? Why did the action of that drunk…

Bucket List 2012

No matter what stage of Erik Erickson’s stages of life development you are in or whether you begin to ponder your New Year’s resolutions for 2012, what is your Bucket List? More importantly, what is your Bucket List for God? What is God calling you to in 2012 and your life.


Think about it, 78 years, that is not really a long time at all. So, what is it that you want to leave as a legacy? Yes, we pass things onto our spouse, children, grandchildren, friends, etc. More importantly, what is our legacy for God that we will leave for the generations behind us, so they can know Jesus?
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