Services from 2016 (Page 3)

Services from 2016 (Page 3)

Emotional Baggage

In week 2 of the Baggage series, we will look at the Emotional Baggage brought on by the lies and statements that leave us so bogged down, beaten down, depressed and have warped who we really are in Christ.

Baggage Claim

In week 1 of the Baggage series, we will look at Baggage Claim and how part of our victory over the baggage is claiming it and giving it to the Lord.

One For All

In week three of the series, One For All,  we look at what the Apostle Paul states as he focusses on the “oneness” of God & how he sent Jesus to save everyone.

The Thing

In week one of the series, That One Thing  we will see that even when our faith is shaken, God is not.  Join us this week for The Thing.

Be Ready

In the series, Be Awkward, we will look at how we can become more confident in sharing our faith as we continue to Be Awkward.   In week 3 we will look at how to take the awkward out of sharing our faith as we look at the Parable of the Sower and explain the differences in Christianity, religion and being spiritual as we learn to Be Ready.

Be Real

In the series, Be Awkward, we will look at how we can become more confident in sharing our faith as we continue to Be Awkward.   In week 2 we will look at one of the biggest challenges to sharing our faith if we just learn to Be Real.

Be Relevant

For many Christians, talking about our beliefs can seem awkward; yet, we do not have keep it that way. In the series, Be Awkward, we will look at how we can become more confident in sharing our faith as we continue to Be Awkward.

Unstoppable Idiots

Scripture(s): Ephesians 4:11-13; Acts 4:13 The message of Christ has stood for centuries; yet, we live in a time where it’s easy to doubt so many things.  What will happen today?  What about the future?  So many questions and concerns are prevalent and seem to control so much of our lives.  Yet, if Christians and the church were to fully embraced our mission with confidence, the world we live in would literally be transformed. In this series we will see and hear…

Unstoppable Church

In this series we will see and hear how God wants us, through His Holy Spirit, to play a major role in His UNSTOPPABLE mission to the world. In Week #2 we look at Christ’s Holy Spirit plan for the redemption of the world through the work of the Church.

Unstoppable Believer

What will happen today?  What about the future?  So many questions and concerns are prevalent and seem to control so much of our lives.  Yet, if Christians and the church were to fully embraced our mission with confidence, the world we live in would literally be transformed. In this series we will see and hear how God wants us, through His Holy Spirit, to play a major role in His UNSTOPPABLE mission to the world.

Send Me, Use Me

If you are ready to see a spark in your life this three-week series, Praycarious, teaches us to pray prayers that do just that.  In this last week of the Precarious series, we boldly trust in the Lord and His direction for our lives by lifting up the praycarious pray saying  “God, Send Me.”