Services from 2012 (Page 3)

Services from 2012 (Page 3)

Transformed Strength

This week as we stare at the 4th of July, we look back at men and women who dedicated their lives to a cause greater than themselves. George Washington himself recognized this saying, “Make sure you are doing what God wants you to do–then do it with all your strength.” If we are not, we need to transformed strength.

Sleeping in the Storm

Regardless of how the weather is outside, in the winter we fill our homes and automobiles with heat and in the summer with A/C we live weatherless lives. Often we do the same when it comes to life. We try to live lives of “weatherlessly” but eventually the storms come — how to we react and survive the storms.

The Small Things

Now, that I am a father, too. It’s the small things that I want my children to learn and the small things that help shape the large things in life. It’s no different with God, the small things matter to Him. Let’s celebrate Father’s Day with a focus on the small things.

Spirit BBQ

This week we remember. We remember those who paid the ultimate cost for serving their country and we remember the day God sent the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost.

The Streets

Christianity, these modern “Radicals” seem to be normal compared to what Christ calls disciples to live out. In this message, we look at how we can, in this modern day, be committed to take Jesus to The Streets?

Springing Hope

On this Mother’s Day ’12, Pastor Jack will share his experience in trusting Christ during a week when hope seems to run dry and God proves faithful as always.

Walking the Dead: ‘dem bones

Do you ever feel dried out? Like you were once a “plum” filled up with faith and now you are a “prune?” Some may wonder, will I ever recapture that vibrant part of my faith walk?

In Case of Emergency

The week after Easter has always been an interesting week for the church. In looking at church history it has been called the “Empty Sunday” due to restrictions from abstaining from any work.

whY Jesus?

In this last week of the whY series, we will celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus and look at who Jesus is for us.