Services from October 2011

Services from October 2011


In this sermon, we will talk about the masks we wear and how to remove them so that Christ can transform us.


In the UnStuck series we have looked at getting unstuck in our faith, friends, family, field, and finances this final week we will look at the final place we can get stuck…our future.


We hear it on the news, we recognize it in stores, we definitely experience it personally — financial woes and worries. George Gallup reports that 64% of all couples worry about money.


In week 4 of the UnStuck series, we look at God’s plan for your field realizing God does not want us to be stuck in our career, but bring Him glory in all that you do.


In week 3 of the UnStuck series, we look at God’s plan for family realizing God does not want us to be stuck.