Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 23)

Services by Pastor Jack Cohen (Page 23)

I Am Not Alive

As we learned in our “Be Happy” series, Jesus not only wants us to be happy but Christ died so that we could be free. But many of us live lives that are  “bound” even though there is freedom  in Jesus. This week, we will look at living a life of faith in Christ.

Which Gospel

Building off of the “Happiness Series,” Jesus not only wants us to be happy but Christ died so that we could be free. So many of us live lives “bound” even by the freedom we have in Jesus. 

You’re Not Enough

You cannot acquire, buy, workout your way to happiness.  But you can do some other things to bring it about in giving yourself away.  Join us this week as we look at You’re Not Enough.

It’s My Pleasure

When we learn how to prioritize happiness over pleasure, we can have both.  However, if we reverse it, we will have neither.  Connect this week as we look at It’s My Pleasure.

Happy Money

Everyone wants to be happy. But what makes us happy? And why is happiness easy to find, but hard to keep?  In this church-wide series and study, we will look at just these questions to discover our quest for happiness.

Peace With God

Everyone wants to be happy. But what makes us happy? And why is happiness easy to find, but hard to keep?  In this church-wide series and study, we will look at just these questions to discover our quest for happiness.  This week we will look at how we need to come to a point of Peace With God.


This week we will look at how No Thing in life can make you happy it is about relationship.

Easter Service – 10:15am

It is Easter Sunday and we will celebrate the Resurrection of the Jesus by looking at the example he showed us.   You see Jesus was dead and is now alive forever.  For us through His Spirit shows us how the ruins of our lives can have new.  Join us this week in the message 3 Day Ruined. Come casual, bring a friend as we take the time to recognize and experience the crucifixion of Christ. 

Easter Service – 8:15am

It is Easter Sunday and we will celebrate the Resurrection of the Jesus by looking at the example he showed us.   You see Jesus was dead and is now alive forever.  For us through His Spirit shows us how the ruins of our lives can have new.  Join us this week in the message 3 Day Ruined.

Into Your Hands

Often when we are in the midst of a bad day or struggle, we often feel so alone and even isolate ourselves from others.  In our bad days and moment of challenge in life we may wonder where you are God..  On this Good Friday we will embrace Jesus’ final final word in the message Into Your Hands.

It Is Finished

There are times in the midst our our bad days where we struggle to make sense at all of what God is doing or if the storms will ever end.  Yet, this we can embrace,  there is purpose and and end. In week #5 of the series, we look at It Is Finished

I Am Thirsty

Often when we are in the midst of a bad day or struggle, we often feel so alone and even isolate ourselves from others.  In our bad days and moment of challenge in life we often are not real about out needs for a number of reasons. How can we learn to be real in our bad days. In week #4 of the series, we look at I Am Thirsty.