Services on Philippians (Page 2)

Services on Philippians (Page 2)

Be Committed

This week we continue the Be the Message series focusing on Jesus’ next section of the Sermon on the Mount regarding and this week we are focusing on the BEing Committed.

The Explained Life

Have you ever said or heard the statements that begin with, “If only I had….” or “I can just get….” It seems we so often live in lives so dependent on chance and wishful thinking rather than living full, happy lives not based on conditions or occurrences. In this sermon we will balance this with Paul’s statements in Philippians 4 focussing on contentment.

The Abrasive Christ

The second week of this series, we examine how Christ can be so upfront with us that at times we are shocked at by his abruptness. When we step back to take a look it can be the most important our development in faith.


In this message, Pastor Jack delves into how God desires us to know us and make Himself known to us to achieve the relationship God desires to enrich our lives.
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