Services on Genesis (Page 2)

Services on Genesis (Page 2)

Never Give Up

In the final week of the Dream BIG series we will look at how we cannot let our dreams die. In doing so, we will look at the life of Joseph and how his early dreams may have seemed to die; yet, in his faithfulness to God, all the dreams came true and so can yours when you DREAM BIG and Never Give Up!

Deep Seeded

In this series we will look at how God thinks differently than we do, and that His ways are higher than ours. When generously take what we have our time, energy, money, or talents, God can cause them to affect more people, make our dreams into a realty that is greater than we could ever imagine.

Ghost of Christmas Tags

In this last week of The Ghosts of Christmas Past series, we hope for joy and peace yet so often  life doesn’t always allow for that. Memories, our own anxieties and fears get blown up all the more at this time of year. Names attributed to us, words that cut deep and actions leave us broken and lost in our own selves.  The good news is it does not have to be that way!  Join us this week as we look at the tags assigned to us in Ghosts of Christmas Tags.

When You’re Not Happy With the Hand You’re Dealt

We’re all dealt a hand in life… that’s just how it is in life. Some of the “cards” in life are good and some not so good. So, how can you find hope – in the midst of disappointment. This week we’re going to look at the life of Joseph as an example to find Hope Rising When You’re Not Happy With the Hand You’re Dealt.


Scripture(s): Genesis 6:5-8 In the book of Hebrews, chapter 11 we read the account known as the “Hall of Fame of Faith.”  In the following Hebrews 12 we read, “we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses,” In this series we’ll look several of the “BIG DOGS” in the Bible, and how they lived in amazing ways, did incredible things for God.  What if, in our life’s race, we could do on lap around the track with one of these…


This week we look at our second woman “Big Dog” and a Big Dog of faith she is. She’s the wife of Abraham, the mother of Isaac, the grandmother of Jacob and a person of faith that is going to take a lap around with us. Big Dog Sarah is taking a lap wrap with us as we learn how when we don’t understand God and we should never get so impatient with waiting that we do our own thing, only making it worse.


This week we look at the life of Jacob. Jacob was one who continually received the blessings of God in so many areas; yet, his life also was riddled with deception, deceit, broken relationships and pain. With Jacob “coming out of the stands” to take a lap around the track of life with us, we will look at what do you do when life does not turn out the way you planned and what we can learn from a wrestling match with ourselves and with God that can help us go the extra mile in life.


This week, we look at Rebekah, a strong “dog” of faith and we ask ourselves, what do you do when someone needs or asks for help? Are you generous or are you focussed on something else.

Relational Baggage

In week 3 of the Baggage  series, we will look at the Relational Baggage that hits us in life and steals us from the Promised land God calls us to — All the while it hurts and changes who we are.  

Audacious Faith in Jehovah Jireh

In this second week of this series, we will go way back and look at the Sun Stand Still audacious faith of Abraham and his son Isaac through an amazing account of God’s provision. Through this, we will see how we too can trust and learn how to have Audacious Faith in Jehovah Jireh.

The Window

It seems like most of us aren’t getting personal phone calls or telegrams from God with instructions for us. So how can we hear from God when it comes to the important decisions in our life? In week #2 our series Going Deeper, we will look at the window of opportunities that God can use to reveal His will to us. Get ready to get Going Deeper.

Facing the Fears that Wreck Relationships

This week I want us to look at relational health or how we look to transforming your relationships. How to make your relationships better by looking at diffusing the fears that wreck our relationships. To do that we’re going to go all the way back to the book of Genesis, the very first book of the Bible, and look at the first couple Adam and Eve because that’s where all the relationship problems began.