'General Items' Tagged Posts
Supporting our Soldiers
Care Package collections Our church has always stepped up to support the soldiers in our church family. Jim Thompson is currently deployed overseas and we want to send him a care package of encouragement. There are several ways you can help. There is a blank sheet in your bulletin to write a note of encouragement. Please bring them to the lounge after church or send via email to the address below. There is also a flyer in the bulletin with…
Movie Night
Free Movie Night-I’m Not Ashamed Saturday, March 11 at 6 p.m. The inspiring, true story of Rachel Joy Scott who lost her life in the Columbine High School tragedy. Rated PG-13 with some difficult scenes, so parental discretion is advised. All are welcome; hope to see you there! Childcare provided. Please RSVP to sunday-school@havencc.org so we can make sure we have adequate adult to child ratios. Questions? Contact Bobbie Brickner at 443-640-8244 PREVIOUS Disciple III Study
Music Ministry Opportunities
We are looking for more folks to get involved with our worship team as this church grows. If you have heart for worship ministry and a good ear, see Wayne Beeg on how you can help with our sound, lights & live streaming efforts as well. For more info, contact Wayne Beeg at wayne@havencc.org
New Membership Class
Want to become a member of Haven? If you want to become a member of Haven or just learn more about our church, mark your calendars for our next “Haven 101 class – Intro to the Haven Church Family” on June 4th. Sign up with interest in the Bell Café or at our website! For more info contact lay-leader@havencc.org.
NARCAN Training
Our next Hope Ministry event will take place on Wednesday, April 5th at Haven Community Church and is open to the public. The Cecil County Health Department will be providing FREE Naloxone (commonly referred to as Narcan) training. Narcan is a life-saving medicine that can reverse an overdose of an opioid (such as heroin or prescription painkillers). On-site registration is required and will be from 6pm-6:20pm. Please attend this training if you know or are in contact with anyone abusing drugs.…
New Membership Class
Want to become a member of Haven? If you want to become a member of Haven or just learn more about our church, mark your calendars for our next “Haven 101 class – Intro to the Haven Church Family” on February 12th. Sign up with interest in the Bell Café or at our website! For more info contact lay-leader@havencc.org.
Dining for Women Party
Dining for Women – Mardi Gras – SAVE THE DATE! Ladies, please hold Wednesday, February 15th at 6:30 pm for our annual Dining for Women “Mardi Gras Party” at Judy Musick’s house. This is a time of Christian fellowship, fun, games, sharing, and great food. Please bring a Cajun dish to share, an offering for our charity, and friends. Wear you purple, gold, and green. Don’t forget your beads and friends! For more info contact Judy at womens-group@havencc.org.
Church Database Update
Haven Database Update: Please take a minute and complete the database update form. Having the correct information for you ensures that we are able to notify you of weather related cancellations and service updates. The form is also available On-Line. Contact info@havencc.org with questions.
Communion Server Training
Communion server training – TODAY There will be a brief training session after church on Sunday Jan. 29th for all those who signed up to help serve communion. This will include information for those willing to take communion to shut-ins. Please meet at the cross in the sanctuary. If you have any questions, please see Sara Mullin or contact connection-ministry@havencc.org