'Growth Ministry' Tagged Posts
New Membership Class
Want to become a member of Haven? If you want to become a member of Haven or just learn more about our church, mark your calendars for our next “Haven 101 class – Intro to the Haven Church Family” on June 4th. Sign up with interest in the Bell Café or at our website! For more info contact lay-leader@havencc.org.
Wednesday Small Group
Haven’s Wednesday Small Group continues to meet weekly from 9:15AM – Noon at the church. If you would like to participate contact Robin Hildebrand or Debbie DiVirgilio for information.
Men’s Bible Study
Looking for a way to join other men on your spiritual journey, and have fun and fellowship along the way? Join us every Tuesday night at Haven Community Church starting at 6:30PM. For more information, contact Jake Allen at mens-group@havencc.org
New Membership Class
Want to become a member of Haven? If you want to become a member of Haven or just learn more about our church, mark your calendars for our next “Haven 101 class – Intro to the Haven Church Family” on February 12th. Sign up with interest in the Bell Café or at our website! For more info contact lay-leader@havencc.org.
Dining for Women Party
Dining for Women – Mardi Gras – SAVE THE DATE! Ladies, please hold Wednesday, February 15th at 6:30 pm for our annual Dining for Women “Mardi Gras Party” at Judy Musick’s house. This is a time of Christian fellowship, fun, games, sharing, and great food. Please bring a Cajun dish to share, an offering for our charity, and friends. Wear you purple, gold, and green. Don’t forget your beads and friends! For more info contact Judy at womens-group@havencc.org.