Stephen Ministers Commissioning

Stephen Ministers Commissioning

Stephen Minister Commissioning Ceremony

Stephen Ministers provide one­-to-one caring ministry to people experiencing grief, divorce, loneliness, job loss, hospitalization, and many other life difficulties. Once trained, you are equipped to do an excellent job as a Stephen Minister, as well as, to improve the quality of all your own relationships.

Stephen Ministers are prayerfully matched with people who are going through a stressful time or life difficulty. A Stephen Minister meets with this person once a week for about an hour to listen, care, encourage, and pray. The Stephen Minister brings Christ’s presence into the person’s life and also experiences Christ in the other person. It’s really a life-changing ministry for both the care receiver and the Stephen Minister.

If you’d like to learn more about how to become a Stephen Minister talk with Pastor Jack or Donna Whigham.

You can contact them at, or use the form below.

Commissioning ceremony for New Stephen Ministers Doren Thompson, Robin Hildebrand, Liz Murphy, Robin Holubowski, and rededication of Jennifer Logullo, Ron Frederick, Joanne Edwards, Kyra Beljour, Marge Turner, Joanna Shea, and Donna Whigham on August 16, 2020.