Grieving the Loss of Someone close to you?
Plan on attending our upcoming GriefShare support group.
- GriefShare is a 13-week, Christ-centered, biblically based support group seminar. A grieving person can join at any time during the 13 weeks. Each session shows a video presentation followed by small group discussion about the video.
- The GriefShare videos present experts, ministers, and Christian counselors discussing grief and recovery subjects helpful to people in grief. Real people share their stories of what has helped them deal with the pain of losing a family member or friend through death.
- During the week between meetings, group members complete a daily Bible study and practical exercises to help them heal from grief.
- GriefShare is for people who have lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend through death.
- Not sure the 13-week session is right for you, we also offer a 2-hr seminar on Loss of a Spouse several times a year, which you can register for below as well.
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GriefShare is a ministry of Church Initiative. © Church Initiative.