The Caring Ministry is comprised of four areas serving the members of Haven Community Church. The various ministries range from providing cards and food to providing one-on-one Stephen Ministers who are prayerfully matched with people who are going through a stressful time or life difficulty. All are underpinned by and thru the Prayer Ministry.
- Stephen Ministers – members of our congregation who provide one-to-one caring ministry to people experiencing grief, divorce, loneliness, job loss, hospitalization, and many other life difficulties. Once trained, you are equipped to do an excellent job as a Stephen Minister, as well as, to improve the quality of all your own relationships.
- Card Ministry – Haven Card Ministry is a way to spread fellowship by sending Birthday cards, Anniversaries, Get-Well cards, Miss You cards or any type of Encouragement card.
- Food Ministry – The Food Ministry is one of the quietest, but most effective ministries in our church. This ministry provides meals for families with new babies, people who have undergone surgery or illness, people who have experienced a loss and the shut-in. This is a great way to get involved in a ministry for fellowship and to “serve one another”.
- Prayer Ministry – The Prayer Ministry is open to all who have a heart for keeping others blanketed in prayer. We gather together every other week for one hour. The gatherings are casual.