Full of It

Full of It

SCRIPTURE:  Luke 18:9-14 (NASB)

In life, we tie ourselves in knots going through the motions to meet the world’s expectations. But we were created for so much more than that. Just think about, if Jesus was editing your life what areas do you think Jesus would undo.  Jesus shook up anyone whose faith was lukewarm, He brought hope to the broken, the lost, and those tangled in sin by showing them what true worship could be.  In this Untieable series, we will look beyond the simplistic mindset of what it means to follow Christ, and open ourselves up to discover the knots in our lives that Jesus wants to undo, so that we can live an authentic, untieable faith.
Being a follower of Christ is not a competitive sport although so many of us act like it is one.  When God has blessed us with so many amazing things like gifted talents, unwavering relationships, great jobs, and so much more, it can be easy to let pride take over.  But God desires for us to untie our pride for a humble heart. In this last week we want to look at our actions and heart to see what Jesus would undo when we look to see if we are Full of It.
Wash the Dishes!